Karachi 23 June: The Sindh health department would like to respond to incorrect media reports on hiv prevalence across the province and specifically in district Mirpurkhas.
First we would bring your attention to an article published in ‘the daily news’ on June 23, 2024, which has misreported a number of facts.
The accurate number of new HIV cases in Sindh from January to June 2024 is 1,453. This includes a total of 169 children (102 male and 67 female). Children account for 11.6% of the total number of hiv cases reported in sindh in 2024. The article however incorrectly claims that 10-15% new cases of hiv reported every month are in children, this figure in reality is 2%.
The claim that the government has not taken effective steps is misleading. The government of sindh has implemented extensive hiv screening, resulting in the identification and treatment of more cases. New hiv treatment centers have been inaugurated, and existing centers have been upgraded and digitalized. All achievements are verified by the global fund.
Similarly there has been misreporting on news channels on cases of HIV in Mirpurkhas. The actual number of positive cases is in Mirpurkhas is 24, not 29 as erroneously communicated in an earlier pphi letter. All 24 cases have been registered between december 2023 and june 2024 with the CDC wing at dghss. The affected age groups are from 0-1 year and 2-5 years. Notably, the parents of all positive cases have tested negative for hiv.
Furthermore 18 of these cases are actively receiving treatment at the art center while 4 cases are untraceable due to incomplete addresses; efforts are ongoing to locate these individuals through national identity card (nic) numbers and other available data.1 case was found to be hiv negative upon further testing, 1 case has unfortunately passed away. There is no clustering of cases, they are dispersed across different locations, preventing the formation of any clusters. In efforts to mitigate the spread of hiv, 3,072 individuals have been screened in mirpur khas, resulting in 5 new positive cases, yielding a positivity rate of 0.16%.
The directorate of communicable disease control-CDC hiv/aids sindh urges all media outlets to avoid manipulations, biased presentations, exaggerations, and sensationalism when reporting on such critical public health issues. Accurate information and responsible reporting are essential to support ongoing efforts to combat HIV in sindh.
Further to that please see attached transparent HIV data for cases and their breakdown in Sindh.